Connected to THE Fisher of Men based on Mark 1:14-20; Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Service Audio:
Sermon Audio:
The text for the sermon and worship information are linked below:
Click here to view the sermon text
Connected to THE Fisher of Men based on Mark 1:14-20; Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Service Audio:
Sermon Audio:
The text for the sermon and worship information are linked below:
Click here to view the sermon text
Saturdays -- 5:00pm
Sundays -- 9:00am
Sunday Education Hour -- 10:30am
Summer Wednesday Services
June - August -- 6:30pm
Advent & Lenten Services:
Wednesdays (in Season) -- 9:00am & 6:30pm
Advent & Lenten Suppers:
Wednesdays (in Season) -- 5:15pm