  300 Broad St • Menasha, WI 54952 • Map

There are a lot of ways to support Trinity Lutheran Church and School!


In support of The Lord's work among us


Trinity SCRIP

Through your purchases of SCRIP retail gift cards, Trinity Lutheran Church and School is able to use the income generated to support and expand our Ministry and Outreach.

SCRIP can be purchased before and after worship services on the weekend, and during regular office hours: Monday thru Thursday from 8am-Noon during summer and Monday thru Friday from 8am-3:30pm during the school year.

What is SCRIP? (PowerPoint, PDF, MP4)

In-Stock SCRIP Form (PDF)

Non-Stock SCRIP Order Form (PDF)



Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organizations selected by their customers. You can use Amazon cards that you purchase through SCRIP and help Trinity raise even more financial support. Click on the logo below to register and select Trinity Lutheran Church of Menasha to receive donations when you shop on Amazon!

AmazonSmile Supports Trinity

Contact Information

Worship With Us

Saturdays -- 5:00pm

Sundays -- 9:00am

Sunday Education Hour -- 10:30am

Summer Wednesday Services

June - August -- 6:30pm

Advent & Lenten Services:

Wednesdays (in Season) -- 9:00am & 6:30pm

Advent & Lenten Suppers:

Wednesdays (in Season) -- 5:15pm

Handicap Information